- It is hard to believe that the first half of the year is almost coming to a close. We are all very excited about the holiday. Please try to keep your child focused on learning as we have several assessments scheduled for the next few days.
- Santa hats are fun and adorable...lice is not!! We do not have lice in Room 1 but there is lice at Rio del Mar School. If your child wears a Santa hat or any hat to school, please remind him or her to keep the hat on his/her head and to not let others wear the hat. We want to start our vacation lice free.
- We are still looking for a piano player for our second grade play. Please let me know as soon as possible if you know of someone who is interested. We will happily take a high school student who is in need of community service hours and/or volunteer work. Volunteering looks very good on college applications! :)
- If you are willing to asssist with the holiday party, I know that the moms in charge would welcome the extra help. Let me know if you can help.
- Our last day of school is Thursday, December 20th. It is a full day.
- Please continue to have your child practice his/her math facts and read daily during the extra long holiday break.
- Finally, thank you again for your children. This is a lovely class of respectful, bright, and caring students. I am so blessed to have them for a year. Your children are truly a holiday gift. Have a peaceful holiday and a happy New Year.
We have a terrific class of respectful, bright students. It is going to be a great year!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Only 7 Days Remaining
Thursday, November 29, 2012
It is December! Wow!
It is hard to believe that we are almost half way through the school year. I am really enjoying your children! Listed are some upcoming events and dates:
- We are looking for a PIANO PLAYER for our second grade play. Ideally, we would like someone who could commit to daily practices from 9:55-11:00 AM (10:30 on Wednesdays) from Feb 28 through our second of two performances on Mar. 1. I realize that this a big commitment. We can practice without the piano but the results are far more successful if the children get used to the piano. We will happily take 2 people who would like to share the duty, grandparents, or even responsible high school or college students.
- The Winter Holiday is 12/21-1/14. 1/21 is another holiday (MLK).
- The children have really enjoyed studying rocks. The rock sharing sadly ended today but I encourage you to get your budding Geologist and/or Mineralogist a box to continue his/her collection.
- Continue to practice money as there is no better way to learn money than real life situations.
- I appreciate all of the parents who commit to a weekly or every other week in-class work schedule. You are all amazing!
- I have Stacy Mueller (Ava's mom) scheduled to organize the holiday party. It would be great if another parent could help Stacy out. If you are interested, contact Stacy directly or let me know and I can tell Stacy.
- Please continue to practice the math facts and to read nightly...even over the long holiday.
- Thank you for all of your support with homework and for getting your child to school on time.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Information for Weeks of 10/25-11/15
- This is a bit early as children are asking about Halloween. We will celebrate Halloween on Wednesday, 10/31. The children are encouraged but not required to wear costumes to school. Please have your child come to school dressed in his/her costume because there is no time to change before the parade. Your child may bring a set of clothes should he/she like to change after the parade or during the day. Provide a bag for your child to keep all of his/her costume parts together.
- Thank you to Angie Healy and Angie Boudreault for organizing the Halloween celebration. There was an email sent asking for help and/or donations. Thank you in advance to all of the families who are helping to make the party a success. The party is scheduled immediately after the parade.
- RTI has finally begun. The children are doing a great job at getting to the correct RTI classroom on time. The learning begins promptly at 8:00.
- Continue to help your child master money. The more that your child handles money in "real life" circumstances, the sooner he/she will grasp the concept. Counting "real" change is far more fun than working with plastic coins.
- Make-up photo day is scheduled for Monday, 10/29.
- We still have about six Flat Stanleys hanging out in Room 1. If your child's Stanley has not flown away, please provide him/her with an address and a stamped envelope. We are starting to receive postcards!
- That is all for now. Your children are still wonderful! Thank you.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Thank you
- Thank you for attending your child's conference. I thoroughly enjoyed discussing the progress of the children in Room 1.
- Thursday, 10/18 is our field trip to AJHS to see the play Beauty and the Beast. I will need all of the drivers who have signed up to drive. Thank you for volunteering. We will be leaving around 8:30 am.
- Choir starts this week.
- Monday, 10/22 is the first day of the RTI reading program. Your children have met their teachers. Please have your child to school on time as the program starts promptly at 8:00 am If your child is late, please have him/her report directly to his/her RTI classroom. RTI is scheduled every day but Friday.
- Wednesday, 10/31 is Halloween. The children will come to school in costume. A costume is optional. The parade is scheduled for 8:30 am. We have some busy parents organizing a Halloween celebration.
- Thank you to all families who donated prize box items. The children were thrilled when they saw the selection of goodies. We will always welcome prizes. As I have said a thousand time, this is a lovely group of well-behaved children. Thus, the prizes for good work and behavior go quickly.
- We still have a lot of Flat Stanleys who have to fly away from Rio del Mar school. Please provide an address and a STAMPED envelope as soon as possible so we can start getting mail.
- I am off to my weekend. I love conferences but it is time for me to rest my voice and be a mom.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Information for the weeks of October 1-15th
- Conferences are next week, October 8-12. I have scheduled all of the class a time and date. If you need a time and date reminder, please send a note to school with your child. I look forward to chatting with you regarding the academic and emotional progress of your child.
- Conference survey forms. Please try to complete and return the conference survey. The conferences are VERY short and it helps to identify areas of concern in advance so that I make sure to address them.
- I will have more information regarding Halloween in my next blog. However, so that you are well prepared, costumes are optional but MOST of the Rio children do wear a costume to school.
- This Friday, October 5th, we will be celebrating our first completed reward chart. The children voted on a Read/Lego party. The children will get a portion of the afternoon to read and/or create with Legos. They will be allowed to bring one cozy item...small stuffed animal or blanket and any books they would like to read and share from home. I have asked them to also bring Legos. They are to only bring Lego pieces (No kits with instructions). We will make sure that the Legos do not get mixed up.
- Thank you to the families who have made generous donations toward our Prize Box and toward our classroom supplies. We are all blessed to have such giving families.
- Thank you for reviewing the homework with your child every night. The math concepts move very quickly and it is helpful to have a second teacher review the concepts. The problems on the back of the homework gradually get more difficult. Your child is only required to complete two problems on the back for homework credit.
- Keep practicing the math facts nightly.
- Finally, many of you may be aware that I celebrated my father's 80th birthday last weekend in New York City. I was lucky enough to visit the 911 Memorial. I shared a bit of the history with your children but I have also asked them to ask you what you know and remember about the event. I did not want to get too detailed with the reasons or the details of the losses as I felt that you would do a better job at sharing what you would like your child to know. Please take a moment to chat about this historical event.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Hello Again
- Tomorrow night is Back to School Night. My presentation will begin promptly at 6:00 as we only get a half hour to present. Mrs. Dorney's presentation will begin at 6:30 in the cafeteria.
- The field trip is Friday. Thank you to all my parent drivers. A special thank you for turning in the tedious insurance forms. We will be leaving the classroom at 9:30 and the children need to bring a sack lunch.
- Please remind your child to turn in his/her Reading Log every Friday and continue with the nightly math facts practice.
- Our Library Day is on Wednesdays and P.E. is on Mondays and Tuesdays.
- I am looking for prize box donations. The Dollar Store is always a good place to find things. Take your child with you because he/she will find things that other second graders like. I can see that I will need lots of prizes this year. This is an exceptionally well behaved, hard working group of students!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
We Have a Wonderful Class!
- We have a lovely class of enthusiastic, respectful learners. It is going to be a great year in Room 1!
- A very special thank you to all of the mothers who spent hours tearing out and collating math and language papers. I cannot tell you how helpful it is to have the pages torn and ready. It was a HUGE job and I am so grateful to all of you.
- We have our first field trip to Sea Cliff Visitor's Center scheduled for Friday, September 14th from 9:30-1:00. The field trip forms go home tomorrow. All volunteer drivers need to get their insurance forms into the office as soon as possible. The forms take time to process and the field trip is quickly approaching.
- Back to School Night is Thursday, September 13th. Keep an eye out for a flyer that will specify times.
- Picture Day is Thursday, September 6th.
- Please remind your child to turn in his/her Reading Log every Friday.
- We have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays, Library on Wednesdays, Facts time tests on Tuesdays and Fridays, and Computer Lab on Fridays.
- That is it for now. Thank you for your wonderful children.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
It Is a New Year!
Welcome back to school! After a relaxing summer, I am thrilled to be back. We have a delightful group of enthusiastic learners and respectful friends. I can see that it is going to be a lovely year in Room 1.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Upcoming Dates
- Testing is over and the students did a great job!! I think that all of the children felt very successful.
- Monday, May 7th: Second grade Science Fair Projects are due.
- Tuesday, May 8th: Third Grade Famous Person Reports.
- Thursday, May 10th: Open House and second grade Science Fair.
- Friday, May 18th: In-class Talent Show.
- Thursday, May 24th: Field Trip to Agricultural History Museum.
- That is it for now but continue to periodically check the blog as new events will come up as the year quickly winds down.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Hello Again
- April and May are busy months. This Thursday, we have our field trip to the Museum of Art History. We still have many outstanding permission slips and entrance fees. Please return those ASAP.
- The ducks!! The ducks are HUGE, HUGE, HUGE! It is time for them to go to the farm. Thank you to all of the patient parents who have rescheduled the duck visits or cancelled due to safety. I know that it is very hard to say no to a duck visit but the children have had a lot of quality time with the ducks and they need to be free. If all goes as planned, I will be taking Sparky and Gismo to the farm on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. We will be scheduling a field trip to the farm to visit our darlings in May so we only have to say, "See you later."
- California State Testing starts next Tuesday, 4/24 and runs through 5/8. Please make sure that your child is well rested and ready to roll on Tuesday. We will start testing right away so please have your child to school on time. We have been practice testing a bit and I think that it has settled some of the nerves. The children are happy to see that they know the material. (That was the goal.)
- Minus the end-of-the-year party, our final field trip is scheduled for Thursday, May 24th. We will be going to the Agricultural Museum at the County Fairgrounds.
- Second Graders should be busy working on their Science Fair Projects that are due Monday, May 7th. They will be on display at Open House on Thursday, May 10th.
- Third Graders should be practicing their famous person oral reports. The written speech is due Friday, May 4th and the speeches will be on Tuesday, May 8th. I am looking for a volunteer to video the speeches. I do not have a video camera and I prefer to watch the speeches without a camera. Let me know if you can help with videotaping. If all goes well, the video will be running during Open House.
- Due to State Testing, Literature Circles will be cancelled until further notice.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Spring Break!
- It looks like we may have good weather for the vacation. I hope that the week allows you to spend some quality time with your angels. Spring Break ends on Monday, April 9th. Class resumes on Tuesday.
- We have a field trip to the Museum of Art History scheduled for Thursday, April 19th. At this point, I only have one driver. Please let me know if you can drive asap.
- As you probably know, we have 2 new ducks in Room 1. Sparky and Gismo are adorable and the children are thoroughly enjoying observing and holding them. Thank you for allowing your child to bring them home for the night or weekend. It is a bit of a hassle but it is something that the children never forget. I hear H.S. students still talking about their second grade ducks!
- I am still loving your children. We have such a nice class. It is going to be very hard to give them up in June.
- Feel free to jot Mrs. Welty a thank you note. She is a joy to have in class. Her positive attitude makes every day a sunny day. The children love her!
- Please make a Spring Break resolution to get your child to school on time every day. We walk the track which is part of the PE program. It is a great way to start the day and studies have shown that a brisk walk will get the brain stimulated for learning. There are just a few children who seem to be tardy frequently.
- Mondays are a critical day of learning as the curriculum on Monday sets up the entire week. Students who miss Monday often miss the week's story, grammar, and phonics introduction.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Weeks of Feb. 15-Mar. 7
- Thank you to Wendy Rice, Brett Hegna, Andrea Burrell, and all of the parents who contributed items to our Valentine's Day party. The children had a delightful time passing out their Valentines and decorating their cookies.
- Thank you to Amy Danish for coordinating the class auction donation. Amy approached local artist, Kimberly Hardin, and asked for help. Kimberly spent 2 hours with our children designing and painting a beautiful canvas. We were so lucky to have Kimberly and the masterpiece is stunning! Thank you for donating to the project. Rio del Mar School will benefit greatly from our class creation!
- We still have outstanding permission slips and $1.00 donations for the field trip to the play at AJHS on Wednesday, March 14th. We also have spaces filled for only 15 students. We are looking for parent drivers.
- We have duck eggs incubating as we speak!!! If all goes well, we should have 6 baby ducklings in Room 1 in about 27 days!
- Please continue to practice the math facts nightly. The second graders will greatly benefit by getting all of the addition and subtraction facts memorized as the third grade math moves quickly, and the third graders MUST have the multiplication math facts through X9 memorized by the end of the year.
- We can always use more prizes from the Dollar Store. We have such a nice group of respectful and academic students. We seem to go through the prizes quickly...which is a good thing!:)
- That is all for now! Have a fabulous four day weekend!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Hello Again
- The children filled in their reward chart and have voted on hot cocoa and a movie. The event is scheduled for Friday, 2/3. A note will be coming home asking students to bring a mug to school that day. I will also be asking if anyone has a large coffee container for the hot water for the cocoa.
- The math concepts are moving quickly. Please do not hesitate to drop me a note if your child is feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.
- Literature Circles have started up again. Feedback is helpful. If your child is finding the book to be too challenging and/or too easy, please let me know. In order to have a discussion GROUP, there is often a wider range of reading abilities.
- We will be having a very small Valentine's Day celebration. I encourage the children to bring a Valentine for every student. The children always love receiving and reading their Valentines. A list of names will be coming home. Please have your child put names on the Valentines.
- Family Book Night is scheduled for 2/22 at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. The K-3 classes are to read Stuart Little.
- The second grade play is scheduled for Mar. 2. The second graders are busy learning the songs as we speak.
- The Red Ticket prizes are dwindling. Prize box donations are always welcome.
- That's it for now!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Change of Plans Due to MLK Holiday!!!
- Spelling will resume the week of January 23-27th.
- Literature Circle Discussion Groups will resume on Wednesday, January 25th.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Welcome Back!
- I hope that you all had a lovely vacation. I spent every moment playing with my children. We spent time in the snow and at the beach. We are so lucky to live in such an amazing place! It is always fun to play in the summer sun...in January!:)
- I am looking forward to seeing all of my wonderful students. I missed their smiling faces.
- This Wednesday (the first day of school) is a full day.
- This Friday, January 13th, is our field trip to the Santa Cruz Museum. We still need drivers and many students have not turned in their field trip forms and/or $2.00 entrance fee. A reminder note will be coming home Wednesday to those students missing forms and/or money. If you are able to drive, please let me know a.s.a.p. Thank you.
- Our holiday party was magical! Thank you to all of the parents who helped make the day so special for the children.
- We have another school holiday next Monday, January 16th (Martin Luther King Jr.).
- We will resume Literature Circle discussion groups next Wednesday, January 18th.
- A spelling list will come home on Wednesday but the test will not be until Friday, January 20th.
- Continue with the nightly reading and the nightly math facts practice.
- That is all for now!
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