
We have a terrific class of respectful, bright students. It is going to be a great year!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hello Again

  • The fossil field trip was a huge success!  The weather cooperated and the children learned a lot.  Be sure to ask your mini Paleontologist about his/her experience.  Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to drive and chaperone.
  • Our next field trip is to the AJHS play on October 12th from 8:15-10:15.  We will need all of the drivers that signed up to drive.  Thank you for volunteering.
  • We have received  many dollar bills without names.  Please attach a name to your child's dollar bill as the children are instructed to place all field trip information in the homework box.  Many families graciously donated one dollar for the play and one dollar for the Aptos Museum field trip that is scheduled on October 24th.  However, in many cases, only one dollar was sent to school.  Your child will bring home a note on Monday if there are one or maybe two dollars outstanding.  Thank you for being patient with three field trips in one month.  
  • We have had many prize box donations and we are so, so grateful!!! This is a lovely class and they earn many prizes.  
  • Next week, October 10-14th, is Conference Week.  A note went home Thursday confirming your time and date.  If your time needs to be changed, please email me and we can work something out.
  • We will begin Literature Circle book talks on Wednesday, October 26th from 10:30-11:05.  Kathy Hannigan, Kelly Foos, and Shannon Spencer/Christina Gustafson (alternating weeks) have volunteered to assist.  Thank you!
  • Thank you also to all of the weekly volunteers.  We are so lucky to have such terrific volunteers!
  • We will have our Halloween parade and party on Monday, October 31st.  Children are not required but encouraged to dress up.  Kristin Southhall and Heidi Fort are busy planning a lovely party and the children are buzzing about their costumes.
  • We have been blessed to have Barbara Welty as an aid in our classroom this year.  Please ask your child about Mrs. Welty.  If I could guess, I would say that your child thinks that she is REALLY nice.  Mrs. Welty brings sunshine to Room 1 daily.  Feel free to drop her a note or a little token any time.  She is a behind-the-scenes secret gift and we are all so lucky to have her.
  • Finally, thank you for your delightful children.  I love to come to work.  Your children are bright, caring, hard working citizens.  I pinch myself daily!
  • I look forward to chatting about your child next week.  See you then.