
We have a terrific class of respectful, bright students. It is going to be a great year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Only 7 Days Remaining

  • It is hard to believe that the first half of the year is almost coming to a close.  We are all very excited about the holiday.  Please try to keep your child focused on learning as we have several assessments scheduled for the next few days.
  • Santa hats are fun and adorable...lice is not!! We do not have lice in Room 1 but there is lice at Rio del Mar School.  If your child wears a Santa hat or any hat to school, please remind him or her to keep the hat on his/her head and to not let others wear the hat.  We want to start our vacation lice free.
  • We are still looking for a piano player for our second grade play.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you know of someone who is interested.  We will happily take a high school student who is in need of community service hours and/or volunteer work.  Volunteering looks very good on college applications! :)
  • If you are willing to asssist with the holiday party, I know that the moms in charge would welcome the extra help.  Let me know if you can help.
  • Our last day of school is Thursday, December 20th.  It is a full day.
  •  Please continue to have your child practice his/her math facts and read daily during the extra long holiday break.
  • Finally, thank you again for your children.  This is a lovely class of respectful, bright, and caring students.  I am so blessed to have them for a year.  Your children are truly a holiday gift.  Have a peaceful holiday and a happy New Year.