
We have a terrific class of respectful, bright students. It is going to be a great year!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our Class is Amazing!

-Thank you for the 100% turn out at the parent-teacher conferences.  I enjoyed meeting the parents of my lovely students.
-The Wilbur Pigs went home!  After hours of goopy, messy, work the children finally finished their pigs.  They spent many patient hours adding layer after layer to their magical creation!
-Every time I ask for help, 2-3 parents minimum graciously step forward.  Thus, once again, I am looking for a parent or a team of parents to coordinate the holiday party.  Tonya Riggs did an amazing job of coordinating our upcoming Halloween party.  Tonya mentioned that she was immediately flooded with offers of food, materials, and surprise!  Thank you.  Thus, it appears that we are not lacking in help so the coordinating of the Holiday party shouldn't be too time consuming.   Parties in room 1 can be VERY SIMPLE.  The children are quite content with a story, free time, and an Oreo.  If you are interested in the coordinating, please contact Tonya.  AGAIN, thank you!
-The field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium is this Friday.  Please provide your child with a sack lunch, drink, and a sweatshirt.  Chaperones, please be in the classroom by 7:50.  If you volunteered to chaperone, you're on!
-Finally, both second and third spelling tests will be postponed until Monday, October 25th due to the field trip. 
Thank you for your support and for your delightful children!