
We have a terrific class of respectful, bright students. It is going to be a great year!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week of Nov. 15-19

We are starting to receive postcards from Stanley.  If your child has not returned an address, please provide him/her with a stamped, addressed envelope so we can get all of our Stanleys on the road.

In honor of Stanley and his many adventures, every Tuesday Mary McGowan is sharing state fun facts with the class. Last week we learned about Florida.  Ask your child if he/she can share one fact about Florida.  If he/she forgot, ask him/her to tell you what juicy treat comes from Florida.  Mary stimulated our minds and our stomachs!

If you are also interested in sharing state or world facts, I know that Mary would happily share the time and we can set up a schedule.  State and world fun fact sharing is every Tuesday from 1:45-2:05.  Let me know if you are interested.

The Thanksgiving school holiday is next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

The second grade play is scheduled for Friday, December 10.  I will give exact times when they are confirmed.

A field trip form has gone home today.  The field trip is to the Museum of Natural History and it is scheduled for December 16th from 10:45-1:15.  Both second and third graders will attend. 
The cost of the trip is $2.00 per child.

Finally, the science, art, music, and social studies grades are only effort grades.  The third and second grade teachers have unanimously agreed that due to the nature of the instruction, an effort grade is best suited for the report card.  All of the children are introduced to the standards through participation and observation.  Introducing the subjects in a hands on format allows for higher interest level.  Our goal is to introduce the subjects in a fun, non-threatening format.