-The students are actively working on their animal reports. I will be asking parents to volunteer to type their child's report. I have found that the value of the report is researching, note taking, and learning how to transfer their notes into sentences. The energy and time spent re-writing the report does not seem like a valuable use of class time. If you are unable to type your child's report, or if you are willing to type an additional report, please let me know and I will work something out. Thank you.
-This Sunday, Posey and Mento (our class ducks), will be heading off to life on the farm. They are huge and ready to be in open space with other ducks. We will miss them but I think they are ready to go. Thank you for making the effort to have your child have the ducks for an evening. It has been a great experience for the children and I know that they will be sad to see them go.
-Our next field trip is scheduled for May 26th. We will be going to the Agricultural History Project. Field trip forms will be sent home as it gets closer to the date.
That's all for now!