-Today we had our green and yellow chili pepper party and it was a huge success! There was a perfect combination of healthy and sweet and there was drink for all. Thank you very much for contributing.
-On that note, I do not think that I have ever had so many parent volunteers! I have weekly volunteers, a personal shopper, a terrific room parent, a volunteer for yearbook, the auction, and so much more!! I have parents randomly asking if I need anything and parents staying far, far beyond their scheduled times. I am so lucky!!! Thank you all very much.
-Another statement of my terrific parents this year is homework. This is the first time that I have ever had 100% of the homework returned. Minus a few stray assignments here and there, we have a very responsible class. As strange as it may sound to all of you, many years I can have up to 8-10 students who do not consistently turn in their assignments. Thank you for your support at home.
-Thursday, tomorrow, is the 2nd grade spelling test and Friday is the second grade field trip to the San Jose Discovery Museum. We have a 1:3 parent-student ratio so the trip should be a great experience. I will be at Rio with the third graders and Mrs. Cooper is going to be the acting teacher.
-The children will be very tired next week due to the time change. Please try to get them in bed early (even if the sun is shining) as their bodies have a hard time adjusting and they work very hard in Room 1.
-Both grades will be starting animal reports next week. The reports will be done in-class. If your child has a specific animal, please help him/her print out information off of the internet about the animal. Please, please make sure that there is enough information on the animal to write a report and that your child can read the information independently.
-That is all that I can think of right now. Thank you again for your support and your delightful children.