The field trip times and dates have not been confirmed but I wanted to give a heads up as it is quickly approaching. There will be a morning field trip either 11/4 or 11/5. We will need drivers. I will post the official times and dates as soon as they are confirmed. Please be on the lookout for the field trip forms next week.
The second grade play practices are starting on Monday! The traditional second grade play is happening again. I encourage all of our second graders to try out for a part. I will post the tryout date on the blog.
Please remember to turn in the Flat Stanley addresses and stamped envelopes. If possible, it is much easier to get a stamped envelope than an envelope and $.50. Thank you. Third graders, remember that this year Flat Stanley is optional. I encourage total class participation as we will be studying the United States and we have Matthew's mom periodically coming to class to share interesting state fun facts. The more participation, the more postcards!
Second Graders: Please remember to turn in your fire safety evacuation plan and memorize your address, telephone number, and all cell phone numbers. Knowing your family phone numbers is critical for your safety.
Finally, I plan to use the blog for most communication. The blog will include important dates, field trips, assignments, reminders, date changes, and confirmation of field trip chaperones and drivers. Please check it if you sign up to drive and/or chaperone for a field trip. Thank you! A blog is new for me so I appreciate your patience. If appropriate, I will be happy to post whole class announcements. Just send me me an email with all of the information.
Thank you to all of the parents who chaperoned the field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Despite the drizzle, I think that the children had a great time learning about our local ocean habitat. As the rain came down, it was comforting to be in a school bus on Highway 1. Thank you for the pricey bus contribution.
Once again, we have an amazing class!