
We have a terrific class of respectful, bright students. It is going to be a great year!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Three Days Left!

This week we will have a second and third grade spelling test on Wednesday, December 22.

We also have the class talent show and the holiday party on Wednesday, December 22.

Finally, Wednesday is a full day.  Class will be dismissed at 2:10.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What's Happening Before Break?

The Third graders have the final on the X6 and X7 Friday, December 17.

The second grade spelling test is Wednesday, December 22.

The field trip is tomorrow.  Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to drive.

The class Talent Show will now be held before the class party on Wednesday, December 22.  We plan to have the Talent Show around 9:30.  The show will not be a big production.  It will be a low key opportunity for the students to share their many gifts and talents beyond the second and third grade standards.

The class holiday celebration is scheduled for Wednesday, December 22 from 12:15-1:15.  Thank you to Tonya (Tobin's mom) for organizing the party and thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to help.  We have an amazing group of parent helpers this year!

Finally, before we head off to break, I want to take a moment to express how grateful I am for your lovely children.  As I said at Back to School Night, the children  in Room 1 are  kind, respectful, hard workers.  They have matured into responsible, self sufficient young adults and due to their independent work skills and their excellent listening skills, they are learning the material in record speed.  It is hard to keep up with them!    I was petrified to have a combination class and between the students and the supportive parents, I have found the challenges of a combo to be minimal.  It is hard to believe that the year is half over!  I hope that you all have a restful and magical break.  Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Weeks Are Flying By!

Welcome back from the Thanksgiving break.  We have very few days before we are back at home for the holidays.   In the next three weeks we will be covering three literature stories, several grammar concepts, a writing prompt, and two chapters in math.   There is never an idle moment in room 1!

The big news is the second grade play.  The Little Red Hen is next week and the children have worked very hard preparing for the performance.  There are two scheduled performances for the Rio students scheduled on Thursday at 8:15 and again at 9:00.  The parent performance is scheduled for Friday, December 10th at 8:15 a.m.  If you are unable to attend the Friday performance, feel free to come on Thursday.  Cockle-doodle-doo!

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers.  I am having a hard time scheduling all of the gracious volunteers! If I have not found you a spot, hang in there.  I hope to have all parents and grandparents scheduled by break.

Finally, the field trip to the Museum of Natural History is Dec. 16th from 10:45-1:15.  I have 38 spots for children and only 27 children.  If you are interested in taking a field trip off, please notify me asap.  Thank  you for volunteering to drive.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week of Nov. 15-19

We are starting to receive postcards from Stanley.  If your child has not returned an address, please provide him/her with a stamped, addressed envelope so we can get all of our Stanleys on the road.

In honor of Stanley and his many adventures, every Tuesday Mary McGowan is sharing state fun facts with the class. Last week we learned about Florida.  Ask your child if he/she can share one fact about Florida.  If he/she forgot, ask him/her to tell you what juicy treat comes from Florida.  Mary stimulated our minds and our stomachs!

If you are also interested in sharing state or world facts, I know that Mary would happily share the time and we can set up a schedule.  State and world fun fact sharing is every Tuesday from 1:45-2:05.  Let me know if you are interested.

The Thanksgiving school holiday is next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

The second grade play is scheduled for Friday, December 10.  I will give exact times when they are confirmed.

A field trip form has gone home today.  The field trip is to the Museum of Natural History and it is scheduled for December 16th from 10:45-1:15.  Both second and third graders will attend. 
The cost of the trip is $2.00 per child.

Finally, the science, art, music, and social studies grades are only effort grades.  The third and second grade teachers have unanimously agreed that due to the nature of the instruction, an effort grade is best suited for the report card.  All of the children are introduced to the standards through participation and observation.  Introducing the subjects in a hands on format allows for higher interest level.  Our goal is to introduce the subjects in a fun, non-threatening format.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week of 11/8-12

-The third graders do not have spelling this week.
-No school on Thursday and Friday.
-We have Library on Mondays.  Please remind your child to remember to pack his/her library book every Sunday night.
-Our Red Hot Chili Pepper is starting to fill in.  We get a sticker for our pepper every time a second grader earns 100% on the words, sentences, and punctuation.   Good job second graders!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Parent Contact Sheet

If you would like to be added to the parent contact sheet, please send your information to school or contact Christy Tall (Nate) a.s.a.p.  The contact sheet will include the following information: Student name, parent name, home address, home phone, mobile phone, email address.  Thank you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weekly Update Nov. 1-5

The Halloween Party was a huge success!  Thank you to Tonya for organizing the craft and the food and thank you to all of the helpers both at the party and behind the scenes.  The children had a lovely day!  Again, is there a parent who would like to volunteer to coordinate the Holiday party?  If you are interested, please contact Tonya.  The party can be VERY simple.

This Friday, November 5th is the THIRD grade field trip.  If you signed up to drive, we will take you.  We will leave the school at 9:45.  Thank you.

Friday, Nov. 5th is also the second grade Red Hot Spelling Test with sentences, and the third grade Spelling test AND the timed FINAL on the multiplication facts 3, 4, and 5.  The children will have one minute to complete 18 problems on each test.  The third grade goal is for all third graders to complete numbers 2-9 multiplication facts in 40 seconds (per test) by the end of the year.  Thank you for supporting the nightly facts practice.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 3 is Literature Circle day.  Please have your child come to school prepared with his/her assignment and lit. book.  Please remember that all lit. circle activities should be in final draft form.  Thank you for reviewing your child's assignment before it is turned in.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Third Grade Field Trip Has Been Confirmed

The third graders will be going to the Aptos History Museum on Friday, November 5th from 9:30-11:30.  We will need drivers for this trip. The field trip permission slips went home today.  Thank you!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Third Grade Field Trip

The field trip times and dates have not been confirmed but I wanted to give a heads up as it is quickly approaching.  There will be a morning field trip either 11/4 or 11/5.  We will need drivers.  I will post the  official times and dates as soon as they are confirmed.  Please be on the lookout for the field trip forms next week.

The second grade play practices are starting on Monday!  The traditional second grade play is happening again.  I encourage all of our second graders to try out for a part.  I will post the tryout date on the blog. 

Please remember to turn in the Flat Stanley addresses and stamped envelopes.  If possible, it is much easier to get a stamped envelope than an envelope and $.50.  Thank you.  Third graders, remember that this year Flat Stanley is optional.  I encourage total class participation as we will be studying the United States and we have Matthew's mom periodically coming to class to share interesting state fun facts. The more participation, the more postcards!

Second Graders:  Please remember to turn in your fire safety evacuation plan and memorize your address, telephone number, and all cell phone numbers.  Knowing your family phone numbers is critical for your safety.

Finally, I plan to use the blog for most communication.  The blog will include important dates, field trips, assignments, reminders, date changes, and confirmation of field trip chaperones and drivers.  Please check it if you sign up to drive and/or chaperone for a field trip.  Thank you!  A blog is new for me so I appreciate your patience.  If appropriate, I will be happy to post  whole class announcements.  Just send me me an email with all of the information.

Thank you to all of the parents who chaperoned the field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Despite the drizzle, I think that the children had a great time learning about our local ocean habitat.  As the rain came down, it was comforting to be in a school bus on Highway 1.  Thank you for the pricey bus contribution.

Once again, we have an amazing class!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our Class is Amazing!

-Thank you for the 100% turn out at the parent-teacher conferences.  I enjoyed meeting the parents of my lovely students.
-The Wilbur Pigs went home!  After hours of goopy, messy, work the children finally finished their pigs.  They spent many patient hours adding layer after layer to their magical creation!
-Every time I ask for help, 2-3 parents minimum graciously step forward.  Thus, once again, I am looking for a parent or a team of parents to coordinate the holiday party.  Tonya Riggs did an amazing job of coordinating our upcoming Halloween party.  Tonya mentioned that she was immediately flooded with offers of food, materials, and surprise!  Thank you.  Thus, it appears that we are not lacking in help so the coordinating of the Holiday party shouldn't be too time consuming.   Parties in room 1 can be VERY SIMPLE.  The children are quite content with a story, free time, and an Oreo.  If you are interested in the coordinating, please contact Tonya.  AGAIN, thank you!
-The field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium is this Friday.  Please provide your child with a sack lunch, drink, and a sweatshirt.  Chaperones, please be in the classroom by 7:50.  If you volunteered to chaperone, you're on!
-Finally, both second and third spelling tests will be postponed until Monday, October 25th due to the field trip. 
Thank you for your support and for your delightful children!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The third grade Landform projects were spectacular! 

Every child turned in his/her Literature Circle project.  Great Job!  Parents please check the spelling, grammar, and quality of your child's Literature Circle activity before he/she brings it back to class.   All  Literature Circle Activities and books are to be returned on Wednesdays.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Homework and Long Term Projects

Second Grade: 
-Check your child's backpack for the new Red Hot Reader Spelling list and sentences.  The test is Friday, October 22nd.

Third Grade: 
-The Landform project is due Tuesday, October 12th.
-All of the third graders passed the X2 math facts and about half of the class passed the X3 and X4 facts.  2 minutes was long for such a short test.  As a third grade, we decided to test one more time on the X3 and X4 facts, and we have included the X5 facts.  If your child passed the first time, they will be asked to pass in 1 minute versus 2 minutes.  Thus, attached to the homework are practice sheets to help prepare for the tests.  These sheets are not required but are there to help the study process.  Children master the facts in many different ways...songs, games etc.  Have your child learn the facts any way that works.  The facts pages do not need to be turned in.  The FINAL for the X3, X4, and X5 facts (in 1 minute) is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 5.

Second and Third Grade: 
-The first Literature Circle Projects are due Wednesday, October 13th.  Please have your child bring his/her assignment and book to school on that day.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Second Grade Math

Thank you to all of the diligent families that researched "Mode" on last night's homework.  That concept has not been taught yet.  We have postponed "mode", "median", and "range" for later in the year as it is too complex for beginning 2nd graders.  Unfortunately, the book has it right away!  Do not worry if your child did not know what "Mode" is...they shouldn't!  If they do not understand it after it is taught, then we need to worry. 

Donations for Our Pigs!

We are beginning to make our paper mache' Wilbur pigs tomorrow, Wednesday, 9/29.  We are asking our families to please collect and send in newspaper and paper towel and toilet paper rolls.  We will need the rolls by next week and the newspaper asap.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Class Reward Chart

Our terrific class has already filled in the entire behavior reward chart.  The students voted to have a Pajama Day/Rootbeer Float party.  The party is scheduled for next Friday, October 1st from 12:45-1:15.  Pajamas are OPTIONAL.  It is a P.E. day so please no slippers.  Please keep all blankets and stuffed animals at home. 

This is the first week of parent help and I am so grateful!  Thank you to all of the dedicated parent volunteers both in the classroom and behind the scenes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Third Grade Final on X 2, 3, 4 Facts

We have been sending home the math facts practice sheets to help your child prepare for the 2, 3, 4 multiplication facts final.  The final is Friday, October 1.  The third graders will need to pass a two minute test on X2 facts, a two minute test on the X3 facts, and a two minute test on the X4 facts.  The practice sheets are based on the Kumon teaching practices and they are intended to help your child memorize his/her facts.  However, if your child finds it easier to memorize his/her facts a different way, I encourage him/her to do that.  We are not sending home flashcards, and unlike 2nd grade, the facts tests are a final every 4 weeks versus two times a week.  If you or your child has any questions, please feel free to email me.

The Houghton Mifflin third grade math program is a standards-based, state adopted program that covers all of the third grade standards.  It is patterned and formatted after the state Star Test, and it is the mandated math program for both Rio del Mar and PVUSD.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the math program please email me or stop by and I will be happy to explain how it works and how it benefits our children. Your children will be taught and will master all of the third grade math standards this year.  The third grade classes all differ.  Some are teaching Houghton Mifflin alone and some are teaching another program called Excel.  Some classes are teaching both.  Rest assured, the 2/3 combo class is not the only third grade not using Excel.  I am confident that your child will be prepared for the Star test in the Spring and for the fourth grade.

My goals are for the children to feel confident and successful with their math skills.  Above all, I want to foster a love for math with very little confusion and frustration.  Again, please talk email me if you have any questions.  You can also email the PVUSD math curriculum coordinator at  Thank you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Back to School Night Questions

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you last Thursday evening at Back to School Night.  Thank you for coming.    

Thanks to Mary (Matthew's mom), we have some answers to the mystery of AR points and book levels.  After researching several websites, Mary concluded that the best and easiest place to find book titles, points, and reading levels, is to go to the Aptos Junior High School webpage-  Once you are on their home page, select the library link and then go to AR Home Connect.  If you want to find a book, click on the AR book finder link and it will take you to a list of AR books by level.  Thank you Mary for all of your investigative work! Again, your child's ZPD reading level is coming home Monday.              

Thank you to all who volunteered to help in the classroom.  I look forward to having you join our classroom this week.   We still are looking for a volunteer to coordinate the Halloween, Holiday, and End of the Year parties.  Please let Tonya (Tobin's mom) know if your are interested.   I am a big fan of low key, simple celebrations.    

Finally, thank you again for the generous donations.  I plan to hit the Dollar Store and Target this weekend to buy prize box items.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

AR Reading

This year, the second and third grade students are participating in the Accelerated Reading Program.  Next Monday, September 20th, your child will bring home a Star Reading Diagnostic Report that will give his/her ZPD (grade range for optimal reading challenge).  Please help your child find a book from home or from the Library that fits in his/her ZPD.  Once you and your child have selected a book, please have your child read at least 5  pages if it is a picture book or 2 pages if it is a chapter book to assess if it is appropriate for your child's reading ability and/or if it interests your child.  If your child is missing more than 5 words on a page, the book is too hard.  After selecting a book, please place the book in a gallon size Ziploc bag and have your child bring it to school to read in class.  Your child may take AR tests on books read at home and books read in class.  Finding a book with your child is far more effective than me assigning a book.  However, I am happy to help your child find a book at recess if he/she cannot find a book at home or at the local Library.  Please save thick chapter books for the Upper Grades as a child cannot take a book twice and there are far more AR points required in the Upper Grades and in Junior High.  To access book points, please see the Rio del Mar Web under Accelerated Reader.  Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Weekly Classroom Volunteers

At Back to School Night, I will be asking classroom volunteers to sign up for specific times to help.  My first priority will be to fill spots during math on M, T, W, Th, and F from 9:30-10:30.  If I am lucky enough to have those spots fill up, I will then be asking for four parents to help facilitate Literature Circles from 8:00-8:30 on Wednesdays.  If there is a parent who would be willing to stay until 9:00 on Wednesdays, I would love to have help with organizing the next round of Lit. circle assignments.  Finally, should I be really, really lucky, I will be looking for parents to help with a 2nd grade spelling program from 1:30-2:10 M, T, Th, and F.  I am so grateful to all of the parent volunteers both in class and at home.  Thank you for all of your time and support.